Get involved

There are many ways to get involved in supporting the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates.

Join your local ward committee
While some ward committees already have a full complement of members, several have vacancies. Some ward committees are very active, with regular meetings and a variety of activities. Others are currently less active, but your involvement might be enough to get them going.

To find out if there is a place for you in your local ward committee, contact the chairperson of the committee. You can find the name and phone number of your ward chair here. If you are not sure which ward you live in, visit this site to find out.

Work on a candidate’s campaign
Prior to an election, most candidates need help with fundraising, distributing literature, writing letters, hosting parties, holding signs, and other activities. Learning about the candidates in your district and volunteering with one of their campaigns can be very rewarding.

Here are a few places to watch for information about candidates and their campaigns:

Write letters
A great way to support a candidate or to raise awareness of issues is to write letters. You can write a letter to the editor to explain why you will be voting for a Democrat or to the governor to encourage him to support legislation consistent with Democratic values. Your letters can be sent via e-mail or postal mail. Either way, you will be making a strong statement to your community and/or your elected officials.

Donate money
Political committees and campaigns almost always need money. These funds are used for everything, from TV and newspaper ads to mailings to phone banks to bumper stickers.

To contribute to the Medford Democratic City Committee, contact Nancy White, co-chair, at 781-395-1413.

To find out if your local ward committee takes donations, contact your ward chair.

The Massachusetts Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee both allow you to contribute online.

For candidates, contact their campaign headquarters or visit their web sites. You can find links to some of the sites on our home page.

Keep up with the MDP and the DNC
The Massachusetts Democratic Party web site has lots of information about state-level issues affecting the Party. You will also find links there to help you contact elected officials.

The Democratic National Committee web site focuses on national issues and candidates.

Run for office
If you’re not happy with how your elected officials are serving you, consider running for office or recruiting someone else to do so. Whether you run for city council or governor, or anything in between, you can make a difference by providing your neighbors with choices when they enter the election booth.

The Massachusetts Elections Division web site has a wealth of information, including a candidates’ guide.